By using SELECT statement we can reterive data from database. Here is some examples of fetching data with SELECT.

-- select first_name, last_name and email columns from users table
SELECT first_name, last_name, email FROM users;
-- +-------------+-------------+---------------------------------------+
-- | first_name  | last_name   | email                                 |
-- |-------------+-------------+---------------------------------------|
-- | Carmen      | Malone      | [email protected]                  |
-- | Stephanie   | Wallace     | [email protected]                   |
-- | Brandon     | Jenkins     | [email protected]        |
-- ...

-- select all columns from users table
SELECT * FROM users;
-- +-----+---------------------+-------------+-------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------+--------+
-- | id  | datetime_joined     | first_name  | last_name   | email                                 | city                    | active |
-- |-----+---------------------+-------------+-------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------+--------|
-- | 1   | 2023-08-18 21:44:13 | Carmen      | Malone      | [email protected]                  | East Jeanmouth          | True   |
-- | 2   | 2023-07-27 04:31:11 | Stephanie   | Wallace     | [email protected]                   | West Misty              | True   |
-- | 3   | 2023-01-30 08:00:52 | Brandon     | Jenkins     | [email protected]        | Pinedamouth             | True   |
-- ...

PostgreSQL docs